With work from home becoming insanely common around the globe, we all tend to forget to focus on our own health. Aren't we all trying to be fitter and healthier versions of ourselves? But eventually, find our way back to the cheesy pizzas, fizzy sodas, and gooey chocolates? I knowwww it's so hard to choose soggy vegetables over crunchy fried chips but we can give it a shot! Right?
Here's MY take on nifty tips and tricks to increase my body's metabolism.*
1. Cinnamon Tea
Start your day with a warm glass of water sprinkled with cinnamon powder on an empty stomach. It activates your body and gets rid of all the nasty toxins.
2. Replace your regular salt with Himalayan Rock Salt
Studies have proven that Himalayan Salt contains calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium, making it somewhat lower in sodium than ordinary table salt. It also reduces bloating for me. YAY!!
3. Warm glass of water after each meal
Make sure you drink up a glass of warm water with few lemon drops after each half an hour of your meal. It eases digestion by emulsifying fat and curbs the desire to snack later.
4. You NEED to get your beauty sleep
Did you know your body actively sheds calories while you sleep? What's better than that! Just make sure you do a little stretching before and after you get in bed for at least 6 hours
5. 15 min cardio session
Lastly, amp up your favorite song and dance to its beats like no-ones watching. It's this "letting free" that improves your psychological and passionate wellbeing by lessening pressure, diminishing the indications of uneasiness and sorrow, and boosting your confidence. Other than burning a decent number of calories, dancing can likewise tone and build your muscle strength.
*- These tips have not been consulted with any dietician or expert. They are only tested and tried by me and work on My body. Please avoid if you have any allergies and consult your doctor prior to experimenting with any tips.